The Embassy International School takes the issue of child protection very seriously.
The Safeguarding Officer is Lindsay Davidson.
All staff members at The Embassy International School are required to be vigilant and aware and report concerns they have to the Safeguarding Officer and a procedure is in place to ensure consistent and appropriate action is taken.
All staff who have regular contact with children are required to complete a child protection course.
The Embassy International School has several other policies in place to help support a safe environment for children to develop.
The Embassy International School has an extended health and safety policy which is in addition to statutory requirements and sets out our intention to maintain the highest possible standards of safety in the workplace.
All employees are obliged to undertake training for health and safety, and induction to school procedures, prior to starting work.
A list of first-aiders is displayed in the school office and on school notice boards around the buildings.
We have a health and safety committee constituted of representatives from management, teachers and auxiliary staff, minimal one representative per group. A health and safety review is conducted every year during which all changes and all near miss or actual incidents during the course of the year are reviewed at a general meeting of staff.
The Embassy International School has procedures for risk assessment and mitigation, including risk assessment for trips.
Our gated facilities, regular evacuation training and practise, internal PA system and CCTV cameras raise our level of physical security.