FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Frequently Asked Questions: 


What is the application process/ admissions procedure?
The procedure is clearly set out here: How to apply
There is an application form to fill in, after which you can expect to be contacted within a week to set up an interview. During the interview, all consequent steps are discussed and agreed upon. 

What are the fees?
The fees can be found here and are updated annually/ as needed on the website, so these are current: Fees 

Are there entrance exams/ selection procedures?
Our teaching philosophy is based on our commitment to teach pupils through metacognition and recognise the importance of brain science to teaching and learning.  Embedded in this philosophy are the principles of Multiple Intelligences (Howard Gardner 1983), which facilitates and inspires learning for all pupils and young people. Through our inquiry-based approach our pupils develop a natural curiosity for learning and for the world outside the classroom.
We believe that our philosophy of education instils a love of learning, it challenges pupils to develop their own minds and unique personalities, it allows us to truly know our learners and it gives us the capacity to address their individual needs.
Therefore, pupils are assessed for their suitability to join based on an interview and a review of previous school reports.
Concretely, there are English tests for years 7, 8 and 9 to ascertain the level of spoken and written English.
Years 10 and 11 prospective pupils are required to complete tests in both English and Maths.
Prospective pupils of year 12 need to complete a test in all subjects they hope to complete the A-level exams in, as well as a general English proficiency test.

When can pupils join?
We offer suitable pupils the opportunity to join at any time during the year, following the completed admissions procedure and interview and a trial day when possible.  

Curriculum, exams and subjects offered: 

What Curriculum do you follow?
We follow the British National Curriculum as the core of the teaching. This is supplemented by the International Primary Curriculum in Primary and by additional resources in Secondary.
In addition, the Polish Curriculum is offered to Polish Nationals and it runs in parallel, with overlap in subjects to avoid duplication.

What is IPC?
The International Primary Curriculum, an internationally renowned programme is used in 1800 schools across 90 countries based upon research into how children learn and how brains work. The IPC, as it is better known, combines rigour and breadth through inquiry based learning based on a series of larger, cross-curricular projects and includes a clear process of learning and clear subject specific goals. 

What language are lessons taught in?
With the exception of language lessons in German, French and Spanish (and the Polish Curriculum studies), all classes are taught in English. Where necessary, pupils are supported with English as an Additional Language (EAL) classes to help equip them for the requirements of the Curriculum. 

Which subjects are offered?

  • Art and Design 
  • Biology 
  • Business (A – level only)
  • Chemistry 
  • Computer Science (known as ICT) 
  • English Language (to GCSE level, as a combined subject with English Literature)
  • English Literature 
  • French 
  • Geography 
  • German 
  • History 
  • Maths 
  • Physics 
  • Polish 
  • Psychology 
  • Spanish

Which exams do you offer?
GCSE and A-levels, according to the British National Curriculum 

Are all the teachers English native speakers?
Who are EIS teachers?
EIS teachers are highly qualified teachers who have gone through a very rigorous, standardised selection procedure. They have been admitted to the team based on their commitment to our Vision, Mission, Values and alignment with our belief in teaching/learning ideology and methodology. Teachers have an ongoing programme of professional development based on their exact roles and needs and as a community we are dedicated to long-termism amongst our staff.

Dress Code 

Do you follow a dress code?
We do have the following dress code:
Shirts should be navy blue or white and may be plain t-shirts with short or long sleeves, polo shirts or button down shirts and all should follow these guidelines: no logos, patters or designs. One solid colour.
Pupils in Years 12 and 13 may additionally wear black shirts that follow the same guidelines.
Trousers/ skirts should be dark coloured, so: navy blue, black or grey. Dresses, skirts and trousers should be long enough. Specifically, they should reach the pupil’s fingertips when arms are held by the sides.
Jumpers/ sweatshirts may be worn as an outer layer and should be navy blue.
Shirts, sweatshirts and cardigans, as well as sports clothes and caps can be ordered from the online shop here: School shop
However, other items may be worn when they are in conformance with the school dress code. 


Do you have rules regarding sickness?
Yes. These rules are based on common sense precautions to ensure the health of all pupils and staff, as well as families at home: 

  • If a child has a fever (above 37.8C), they need to stay home from school and be free from fever for 24 hours before returning 
  • If a child has a stomach bug, with symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea, they need to stay home from school and be free from symptoms for 24 hours before returning
  • If a child is coughing or has a cold with a runny nose, they can easily spread those germs to others.
  • If they are too young to keep basic hygiene rules in mind, like covering their mouth when coughing (into an elbow, not a hand), washing their hands after blowing their nose and discarding of used tissues appropriately, they need to stay at home until they are no longer likely to spread the disease.
  • If a child has a communicable disease that should be reported, the school should be notified. This includes: whooping cough, measles, german measles, mumps, chicken pox, scarlet fever, rota virus and strep throat. Other conditions that should be reported to school so the necessary precautions can be taken to protect everyone are: worms and head lice.

Holidays and camps: 

When can I take my child on holiday?
The school term is planned in a way that maintains an optimal learning environment. There are half term breaks and national holidays are observed.
To ensure that every child has similar opportunities to attend lessons, we encourage holiday planning to happen in advance. The school calendar is available on the website before the beginning of the school year.
Individual cases can be discussed with the Academic Head, however the heads, as a rule, strongly disapprove of non-essential term time travel.

Are there camps for all age groups?
There are two main camps planned during most years.
Ski Camp, which takes place in January and Green Camp, which takes place in June. Both are voluntary and Ski camp is open to pupils from year 4 and up, with Green Camp being open to year 3 and up. 

Extracurricular Activities/ Clubs 

Which activities do you offer?
We have an ever expanding range of activities to choose from. Some are free and offered by our own staff. Others are run by outside agencies and incur a small fee. 

To find the full list, have a look here: Extracurricular activities