Green Camp Day 1

Today we had a lovely, active day. Everyday we will be sending children’s testimonies with some photos for you to see. Here are few words from Sarah M and Sara S. 

Today it was our first day at Green Camp. We arrived at 12.00 and then we went to our rooms. We unpacked our things and put them in our cupboards. Then we had a little time to talk to our friends across the balconies. After that we had lunch and it was great.

Later we went for a little walk and jumped on the rocks in the river. Cameron got completely wet by fishing James’s sock out of the stream 🙂 When we got back, we got ready for swimming in a large pool.

Then we had dinner, yummy spaghetti and delicious apples. After that we had a first aid training, where we have learnt about the safety positions, how to resuscitate and much more. 

Photos can be found in our gallery.