Dear Parents,
You are warmly welcomed to sign your children up for our Monday yoga class. It starts at 15:30. It’s for children from 7 years old and up.
Here is what the teacher, Stella Strzelecka says about her class:
“We will teach your child:
− how to care for the correct posture of the body,
− how to get to know your body (its limitations and possibilities),
− how to deal with emotions and stress,
− how to practice your mind and calm down,
− how to breathe properly.”
Why should children practice yoga?
Regular yoga practice ensures efficiency, strength, endurance, flexibility, and fixes correct breathing habits. It adds vital energy and prevents disease. Yoga practice affects both the body and the mind of the child, teaching them concentration, self-awareness, self-discipline, mental control, self- confidence in everyday social relationships at home, in kindergarten, playground, and at school. The systematic yoga practice bring emotional stability, calm, ability to relax and psychophysical balance. Is it worthwhile to wait for a moment when the child begins to suffer from body stiffness, stress, posture defects, improper breathing habits, or thoughts and emotions with which he or she does not know what to do. The greatest gift you can give your child is to teach him how to handle it.”
For more information go to: or;;
tel. 501477133; tel. 603091441
facebook: joga4kids.krk / instagram: joga4kids
If you would like to sign up your child please send an e-mail to with your child name and their school year. See the price list attached.
Kind regards,
Paulina Krok
English Additional Language (EAL) Teacher
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA) Coordinator