Lower Primary (years 1, 2 and 3) & Upper Primary (years 4, 5 and 6)
At the Embassy International School we are proud of the measures we have taken to ensure that your child receives a high quality, individualised, deep and wide ranging education. The centrepiece of these measures is our adoption of the International Primary Curriculum, an internationally renowned programme used in 1800 schools across 90 countries based upon research into how children learn and how brains work. The IPC, as it is better known, combines rigour and breadth through inquiry based learning based on a series of larger, cross-curricular projects and includes a clear process of learning and clear subject specific goals.

We further complement the benefits of this approach with direct instruction in specialist lessons (Maths and English, Music) to guarantee a rounded and balanced education of a high quality which is fun and exciting, and satisfying as well.
A further enhancement to our educational process is the weekly target setting in partnership with the children, our positive disciplinary methods, our weekly assemblies and full extra-curricular life.